Bring your story to life!
Complement physical reading with interactive 3D and augmented reality.
Complement physical reading with interactive 3D and augmented reality.
Immersive Kid creates playful, digitally interactive books and immersive content for children.
Our mission is to help spark greater enthusiasm for reading and learning with 3D visualization and augmented reality applications.
Acting as an agency, as well as producer and publisher, we are helping to bridge physical and digital experiences that provide stronger overall engagement for children.
Augmented Reality connects children with the characters they read about in physical books. Playful, 3D animated visualization with photo snapshot capability enhances the reading experience.
Digital 3D interactive play helps children to read and to learn.
Our interactive story books include a narrator read for me option, touch screen 3D animation, sound effects, and mini-game.
The Betsy Butterfly First Day children's book is complemented with animated augmented reality character applications.
Bringing 3D characters into real world settings is not only fun, it helps to inspire learning more about subjects.
We can turn a real life story into an interactive book.
Rocky Owl, who stowed away in the Rockefeller Tree last Christmas, was turned into an interactive children's story with read for me option (narrated by best-selling author Jane Adams), touch screen 3D animation, holiday music, and sound effects.
We can bring 3D characters into your family photos.
Rocky Owl has his own animated augmented reality application. He was included in a lot of our holiday photos!
Learn more about how we can bring your stories to life on digital platforms worldwide.
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